Friday, July 11, 2008

My friend says I need a blog. I am not sure why. I don't know what to say or who will ever read this. My name is Candy and I work from home. I babysit three infants Monday - Friday during the day and work for AAA third shift Friday through Sunday. So, I am pretty busy. But I am blessed to have two jobs that 99% of the time I truly love. I guess I am a caregiver at heart, although I never used to think of myself as that way. It is very late, I am going to quit typing, because I really don't know what to say. If you have any questions, just ask, I will probably answer!


Mandi said...

Yea you have a blog.

Anonymous said...

You DO need a blog! This is the best way to keep up with friends and family far away-or that you just don't see very often. I am so glad you have one now--I will be checking it often!